American born center Emily Correal, who obtained Italian citizenship during her first season in Italy, has signed with CUS Cagliari, the team has announced. In her first season in Italy Correal played...
Italian league newcomers Vassali 2G Vigirano has signed Nigerian forward Uju Ugoka, the team has announced. Ugoka has played two season in Virginia Tech after playing her first collegiate season at Gr...
The Indiana Pacers announced Wednesday they have signed undrafted free agent Shayne Whittington, a 6-10, 237-pound center who played at Western Michigan. His senior season, he averaged 16.1 points per...
The Feaport Skyliners have announced that they have reeled in Aaron Doornekamp. Aaron got a contract for a year with an option for another. He is a 28 year old 201cm forward from Canada that has had m...
The Romanian team CS Energia Rovinari Targu Jiu confirmed in their roster 27-year old Montenegrin power forward Nemanja Milosevic. Milosevic managed to play in three leagues in three countries last ye...